Trellis Let’s Encrypt Expired SSL / TLS certificate – Cause and Solution

Though Trellis VPS setups should auto renew the Let’s Encrypt certificate automatically I had a certificate expire for one of my Trellis sites the other day. Here is how I found out about the Trellis Let’s Encrypt Expired SSL / TLS certificate and how I worked out solving it. Google Search Console Warning The reason I […]

Child Theme Trouble: This theme is broken

Sometimes you bump into errors while working with child themes. I bumped into a “This theme is broken” error the other day. I wanted to modify an existing child theme. When checking the child theme from the Dashboard I saw this warning in the header: This theme is broken. Template is missing. Standalone themes need to […]

Adding a Favicon in WordPress

To add a favicon in WordPress these days is way easier than it used to be. You used to have to upload the file to the webroot of your website’s server and then added the necessary code to load the favicon in your header. For that your theme needed to have a specific line of code […]