Jupiter Page Background Image Position

The Jupiter Page Background Image Position can be a challenge with certain images. Sometimes the background image added behind your page winds up looking horribly cut off. So how can we improve the Jupiter Theme background images? Background Color & Texture Jupiter only allows for general background-position directions. This can be done per page using the […]

PHP Strict standards: Declaration of A should be compatible with B

We bumped into an PHP Strict standards: Declaration of A should be compatible with B issues.We had a theme made by us quite some time stop working recently.  One we we were using as a demo mainly. So we decided to work things out. As many of you might bump into this I decided to […]

Jupiter Theme Memory Limit

When you set up the Jupiter theme you will get a Jupiter Theme Memory Limit warning due to the standard WordPress site setup. Normally the WordPress memory usage is set at 40 MB, but you need 96MB minimum. So how can we remedy this issues? WordPress Memory Limit To fix this alter wp-config.php and add […]

WPLMS Setup on Trellis

Been working on getting WPLMS to run on Roots Trellis. It is for a new exciting startup project I have been working on. To quote WPLMS: WPLMS is a Learning Management System for WordPress . It is suitable for Training Centres, Corporate trainings, Course tutors, College, Academy, University, School and MOOC platform. It is an […]