WooCommerce Checkout Sendgrid Issue
We had a WooCommerce Checkout Sendgrid Issue on one of our Trellis servers. Payments did work, but no feedback was sent to client or very late. No confirmation of successful sale was given. This is very inconvenient obviously so we checked out what was the issue and solution. We soon found out WooCommerce and Sendgrid […]
Updating Trellis – WordPress LEMP
Updating Trellis can be a challenge initially and there is no one way to do it. Lots of people wrote about it at Roots Discourse and on Github. Most of them require some major git foo. Did write about updating the Trellis server before, but not on how to maintain Trellis itself. Here is my- […]
Trellis Server FTP Credentials requested by WordPress
Just today WordPress asked me to enter FTP Credetials to proceed after I adjusted an image using the Jupiter interface for header images. This had never happened before on any Trellis setup of mine. FTP Credentials Needed The full error message was on a very basic page with the fields to enter the ftp user […]
ERROR! Trellis no longer supports Ansible Fix
Getting a “ERROR! Trellis no longer supports Ansible” error? You probably upgraded to the latest Trellis from an older version and now you need Ansible or higher. So how do we upgrade this baby? Well in my case the box I just had the issue at runs Ansible via Homebrew. Also I have […]
Digital Ocean Monitoring Beta Setup
Just installed Digital Ocean monitoring beta on one of my Digital Ocean droplets where I have Trellis running for a WordPress client of mine. It is a new way to monitor bandwidth, memory usage and I/O. And also a way to get alerts when your droplet gets hit hard on one of those metrics. Installation […]
Access MariaDB on Trellis LEMP using Sequel Pro
To access MariaDB on Trellis LEMP using Sequel Pro from you local box is easy once you know how. Like with most things in life really. But the main thing is that you need to know the proper way to access the database once you have set up SSH access properly with Sequel Pro (see […]
Trellis Let’s Encrypt Expired SSL / TLS certificate – Cause and Solution
Though Trellis VPS setups should auto renew the Let’s Encrypt certificate automatically I had a certificate expire for one of my Trellis sites the other day. Here is how I found out about the Trellis Let’s Encrypt Expired SSL / TLS certificate and how I worked out solving it. Google Search Console Warning The reason I […]
Custom PHP Settings in Trellis
Often when you set up a Trellis server you find out your PHP settings are not good enough for the WordPress app you are building. Simply because you run a plugin like WooCommerce that needs more than the default 96MB PHP memory. Or because you are a fan of a slider like Revolution Slider that […]
Changing Site URL with WP-CLI
If you quickly need to change the WordPress site url on a VPS or dedicated server with WP CLI installed or installable WP-CLI is your friend. It is a great command line based option dealing with url changes during site migration. There are of course great plugins to help out too, but believe me with […]
Keeping your Trellis Server Updated
When you manage client servers with Trellis you will every now and then have to update the server. This to keep Ubuntu, NGINX, MariaDB and PHP updated. But also to patch security holes and update the latest Linux libraries. So keeping your Trellis server updated is pretty important. And fortunately with Trellis it is all […]