WordPress Articles

Sage 9 Load Google Fonts
To load Google web fonts asynchronously in Roots Sage you can use the Typekit Web Font Loader and Google fonts of your choice. It allows you to load fonts with ease and async. Web Font Loader The script below will load two fonts of my choice. It needs to be
Clean up hacked WordPress website
You never expect it to happen to your website. You think they will not be interested in such a small player like you. Why would they want to hack your website? Well, they do. Any website really and WordPress is the number one target. Just like Windows is the main
Sage 9 Error: Failed because of a stylelint error.
If you get an error like $ webpack --progress --config resources/assets/build/webpack.config.js Error: Failed because of a stylelint error. at linter.then (/Users/jasper/code/alarsite/wp-content/themes/alar/node_modules/stylelint-webpack-plugin/lib/run-compilation.js:39:14) error Command failed with exit code 1. info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command. And you wonder what the issue is just run the following command yarn run
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