WordPress Articles

Oxygen Builder New Style Sheet not loading
At production I had added FAQ based on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTw3rzcPC9k . On staging it worked fine but now on production the newly added FAQstyle CSS added under manage > stylesheets was not loading. So I did the following Emptied WP Rocket cache though I should not need to as I am
Use Search Icon to Fire Search
If you want an icon to work as your search submission in WordPress you can do this with a basic jQuery script. It is actually not too hard. You just use something like jQuery('#fancy_icon-198-4635').on('click', function() { jQuery('#searchsubmit').click(); }); where on clicking the fancy icon you trigger a search submit click.
Body Tag User Role
Sometimes you want to add a body tag for a specific user role. This as you want to hide or show specific parts of a page, or site for a particular user. Here is how you can do just that. add_filter( 'body_class', 'imwz_role__body_class' ); function imwz_role__body_class( $classes ) { $user
Assign Specific Role on Registration
Sometimes you need a custom registration form. A registration form where more fields can be added and where you can assign a specific role based on user input. Plugin Registration Better to put the to be added code in a mu-plugins plugin instead of the theme's function.php. So let's start
Apply Filter to Specific User
What if you need to apply a certain filter for a certain user? What could you do to achieve this? Well, there is too things we would have to look at. The user we want to work with and the filter to use. User CapabilitiesAdd User Role User Capabilities Check
Thrive Architect Page Export Requested
Been working for an Australian customer more recently and for several of her website she use the Thrive Architect Page Builder. Not a bad page builder though I prefer Elementor. Though both are not bad and have similar downsides I bumped into one main pain in the b*tt using Thrive
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