WordPress Articles

Block Password Recovery Attacks
Been annoyed by the recent barrage of brute force password recovery attacks. In WordPress you can block these kind of attacks by turning off password recovery. Now this is obviously not for everyone as you will not be able to reset your password if you ever lose it. And that
Laravel Valet Nginx 502 errors
Sometimes your WordPress website won't load properly in Laravel Valet. You keep on getting Laravel Valet Nginx 502 errors. What can be done about it? Telltale Signs In your .valet/Log/nginx-error.log  you will see something like: HTTP/2.0", upstream 2018/07/24 09:18:54 [error] 15573#0: *328 upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream,
Trellis DO SSL Upgrade
To do a Trellis DO SSL Upgrade to have your Digital Ocean Droplet run Trellis with all secure https SSL urls several steps will need to be taken. Let me take you through them. Backup Digital Ocean Droplet Snapshot of server as a backup via Digital Ocean Control Panel. This
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