WordPress Articles
WordPress Multisite Database Migration
Recently we did a WordPress Multisite Database Migration on Trellis. All is pretty straightforward files wise though we did have to do some extra media work using a volume. The database on the other hand was a bit more problematic. WP CLI Database Import & URL Replacement Using wp-cli and aliases
Digital Ocean Volume for WordPress Media
Adding Digital Ocean Volume for WordPress Media can be very useful. Especially if you have a lot of images and or other media and need a cheap way to store them. Block Storage at Digital Ocean is fast and easy to work with. It allows you to get a cheap
Responsive Images with Width Based on Actual Image Width
WordPress has responsive images built in these days. Since 4.4 as a matter of fact. But what if we want to have WordPress Responsive images with width based on actual image width? Current State and Needs Can we generate something like WordPress responsive image (comments added to html): <img width="1024" height="445"
Quick Local WordPress Setup with Valet
Often you just want to do a quick WordPress setup locally on your Mac for trying something out. I always do a quick local WordPress setup with Valet. Laravel Valet is an application that is created by the developers behind Laravel. It can be used to run all sorts of
NextGen Gallery Custom Field Rotating Images
NextGen Gallery Custom Field Rotating Images was created by us about 5 years ago for Ultimate Fiji Vacations. Since then the NextGen gallery has gone through some major changes. It has been taken over by Imagely and it has had some major upgrades. Shortcode Changes Some of these NextGen Gallery
Update Trellis like a Pro
Here a quick blog post how to update Trellis like a pro. Requirements Here are some requirements or basically tips before you get started Trellis should be in its own repo not together with Bedrock/Site Always make sure you’re working in a Git repo Make sure all your work is