WordPress Articles

Sage 9 Beta 3 WooCommerce Setup
Since I wrote my last post on setting up WooCommerce in Sage 9 things have changed once again. Sage 9 beta 3 has adjusted its structure and looks even more like a Laravel app. And WooCommerce has also been adjusted and since WooCommerce 3.0 several patches have been added. So let's
Bootstrap Navigation in Sage 9
If you are working with Bootstrap and like most Sage developers are brave enough to work with the Bootstrap 4 beta with all it's goodies you will often want to add a Bootstrap menu. So how is a Bootstrap Navigation in Sage 9 done? Here is how. Sage 9 and Bootstrap
Sage 9 WooCommerce Setup
To set up Sage 9 with WooCommerce things have to be done slightly different from the setup in Sage 8. This mainly as Sage 9 works with the Laravel Blade templating system. It is mostly the same though. Here is how the Sage 9 WooCommerce setup is done. Note Also see Sage 9
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