WordPress Articles
Roots Trellis Errors
In this post I will be collecting Roots Trellis local and remote provisioning, deployment and general setup errors with solutions I came up with. The list is growing and growing so make sure you press control or command f to search for your specific error or use the search box. Local Setup Errors
Responsive Gravity Forms
When you have managed to setup your contact form, order form or other form with Gravity Forms in two columns you will soon realize it is not responsive out of the box. You will need additional CSS to go from two columns to one column on smaller screen sizes. Responsive
Create Form with Custom Contact Forms
Have had a request to do a lowdown on how to use Custom Contact Forms (Plugin in WordPress Repo | Github) by Taylor Lovett. (more…)
BackupBuddy and GoDaddy
BackupBuddy and GoDaddy have never really been buddies really. Been hard to run BackupBuddy on GoDaddy to say the least, but I am here to tell you there are options to make it work on GoDaddy as running backups from the Dashboard fail most if not all the time. The
From WordPress Dashboard to Frontend
Sometimes the most obvious steps to take for some, and certainly for veteran WordPress users like me are overlooked. By blogging here at Imagewize I am trying to help clients with answering basic WordPress questions so they can work on updating their site and promoting their business. So a question
Modern WordPress Development with Roots
I have been working on and off as a web developer and mainly with WordPress for over 15 years. I worked with different frameworks such as Genesis, Thesis, Canvas and Divi. I also worked or dabbled in a few starters themes such as _s . And often I have customized themes