WordPress Articles

Yoast SEO vs SEO Framework
IMWZ works with both Yoast SEO and the SEO Framework. Both WordPress SEO Plugins are solid. But let's do a Yoast SEO vs SEO Framework post here and show you what plugin does what best and worst according to us shall we? Yoast SEO Yoast SEO or WordPress SEO seems to
Jupiter Theme Memory Limit
When you set up the Jupiter theme you will get a Jupiter Theme Memory Limit warning due to the standard WordPress site setup. Normally the WordPress memory usage is set at 40 MB, but you need 96MB minimum. So how can we remedy this issues? WordPress Memory Limit To fix
Bedrock Plugins Installation
The Bedrock Plugins Installation is set up differently. More efficiently too I daresay. That is why often beginners with Bedrock bump into the fact that they cannot install plugins from the Dashboard. In this post I will get into the reasons and benefits behind it. For a general overview of Bedrock
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